Staged mental conditioning model to facilitate theoretical and practical training service in sports
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.L. Levina1, 2
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Artemyev2
1Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
2Kuzbass Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute of KemSU, Novokuznetsk
Objective of the study was to design, pilot and test benefits of a new online mental conditioning model applicable at every stage of a long-term educational and training process.
Methods and structure of the study. The online mental conditioning model was piloted in May 2018 through August 2021 in a group of 165 people including 72 athletes, 35 coaches, 15 sports psychologists and mental conditioning trainers, and 39 athletes’ family members.
Results and conclusion. The online mental conditioning model included the following stages: psychological education for the athletes’ families; mental conditioning course for the coaches; and the mental conditioning courses for the athletes. The first two of the above stages were designed for the adult coaches and athletes’ families; and the third and fourth stages offered the mental conditioning service for the athletes. The new online mental conditioning model was tested beneficial as verified by the trainees’ progress in the sports motivations, competitive success agendas and determinations and better adaptations to the long trainings.
Keywords: training process, psychological preparation, psychological readiness of the athlete, training, support, online courses.
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