Health motivations building physical education model for preschool education system


Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor V.M. Kravchenko1
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor L.A. Bartnovskaya1
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor V.V. Ponomarev1
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.A. Popovanova1
1Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of the new healthy lifestyle motivations forming preschool physical education model.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the healthy lifestyle motivations building preschool physical education model piloting experiment (run in 2018 through 2020) preschoolers (n= 48) from Preschool Education Establishment No. 13 in Krasnoyarsk. We first used the M. Zuckerman method to test and analyze the pre-experimental healthy lifestyle motivations of the sample; and complemented the analysis with interviews of the children and their families on the following issues: whether or not they like sports events; what kinds of sports they would prefer; whether they watch sports broadcasts; etc. These prior survey data were used to design the healthy lifestyle building education with the theoretical and practical physical education and sports and healthy lifestyle elements.
Results and conclusion. The new healthy lifestyle motivations building preschool physical education model was tested beneficial for correcting the cognitive activity, motivations and determination in the physical education domain. The progress was verified by the pre- versus post-experimental motivations tests that found high and medium progress in 38% and 62% of the Experimental Group, respectively – versus only 25% progress in the Control Group.

Keywords: older preschool children; pedagogical support; formation; motivation; health care; physical education.


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