Innovative Mowgli training model for preschool health improvement service: content analysis


PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Sokovikov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Novikova2
Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation O.N. Nazarova3
Head of sports center A.V. Petrov4
1Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University, Balashikha, Moscow Region
2 Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3MBI (Sports School) of Pushkin City District of the Moscow Region, Pushkino
4Sports and gymnastics club "SportInterCenter", Noginsk, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to analyze content and benefits of a new Mowgli training model for the preschool health improvement service.
Methods and structure of the study. We rated and analyzed benefits of the Mowgli training model for preschool health improvement service using the active/ passive motor activity and intensity tracking. We sampled for the model testing experiment preschoolers (n=248) from Noginsk, Electrostal and Pavlovsky Posad of the Moscow Oblast and split them up into Control and Experimental Group of 124 children each. Benefits of the training model were additionally verified by the pre- versus post-experimental morbidity statistics.
Results and conclusion. One of the key benefits of the Mowgli training model is morphological and physiological progress, i.e. fast changes in the child’s anthropometrics and functionality. Children with a good adaptability to physical trainings demonstrated good progress in the immunity to various infections, mobility and motivations for physical trainings, with the physical progress tested close to the "super" level.

Keywords: children, preschool age, health improvement service, Mowgli innovative training model, content analysis.


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