Physical education and sports master training service: problems and progress analysis by sector experts
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Mukhina
Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk
Objective of the study was to analyze problems and progress of the national physical education and sports (PES) master training service based on a questionnaire survey of the physical education and sports experts.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the questionnaire survey a group of PES teachers (n=87) from a few national universities (both the PES-related and classical ones) that offer physical education and sports master training curricula. The survey forms were designed to probe the PES master training service elements by the following modules: Module 1: master training service design; Module 2: innovative policies and practices in the master training service; Module 3: physical education and sports masters’ grouping; Module 4: extracurricular PES services; Module 5: teacher-student communication standards; Module 6: social activation; and Module 7: post-graduate follow-up/ support service from the universities.
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey data and analyses were used to develop practical recommendations on how the PES master training service may be improved at the universities in the industry-specific contexts. The study data and practical implementation experiences showed the need for the innovative training elements to be broader used as complementary to the standard PES specialist training service starting from the early bachelor training stages to facilitate the students’ research activity and encourage them for further progress and entrance to the master training courses – and thereby secure due staging of the professional progress in the academic PES specialist education service.
Keywords: physical education and sport sector, master training service, expert survey.
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