Motivating 10-14-year-olds for physical education and sports
PhD A. A. Vetrenko
P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Ishim
Objective of the study was to offer institutional and training provisions to motivate teenagers for sports in the additional training system.
Methods and structure of the study. The motivations encouraging model testing experiment was run in September 2018 through June 2019. We sampled for the EG the 10-14 year-olds from a beginner sports training group and assessed their sports motivations by the V.I. Tropnikov Test.
Results and conclusion. The teenagers’ sports motivations tests and analyses with periodic retests were found beneficial as they effectively encourage progresses in the sports motivations and lay a sound basis for physical education and sports in the adulthood.
Keywords: physical education, sports, sports motivation, teenagers.
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