Age-specific speed tests of national football elite


PhD E.M. Kalinin1, 3
V.A. Kuzmichev1
PhD, Professor A.V. Leksakov1, 2
1Russian Football Union, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to rate age-specific speed in elite football by the 10/ 20m sprint tests.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the 14-39 year-old qualifiers (n=489) for the Russian national football teams in 2014 through 2021. The individual times were fixed and benchmarked using the homologated professional Witty timing system of Microgate production with the accuracy of 1/25000s. Significance of the age group differences were rated by the one-way variance analysis in Statistica 10.0 software toolkit.
Results and conclusion. The 10m sprint tests found speed progress in the 15-minus (1.81±0.07s) to 23-39 year-old (1.65±0.09 s) groups; with the 15-16, 17-18, 15-16 and 19-23 year-old group differences tested insignificant. The 10m results were found to peak in the 15-16 year-old group, with the individual best average matching with that in the 19-23 year-old group. The 20m test data followed the 10m trend, with the widest significant difference also found between the 15-minus (3.12±0.10s) and 23-39 (2.86±0.12s) year-old groups.

Keywords: tests, football, speed, timing, motor actions.


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