400m hurdles at XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo: K. Warholm’s success and 2021 world records analysis


PhD, Associate Professor O.M. Mirzoev1
R.M. Mashchenko2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow
2Center of sports training of national teams of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the key aspects of the K. Warholm’s competitive performance and techniques at the XXXII Olympics in Tokyo (2020) and in his runs for the two 400m hurdling world records in 2021.
Results and conclusion. Subject to analysis were the technical performance and distance control parameters critical for success in the 400m hurdles versus the latest world record statistics since the electronic timing was introduced. We made a special analysis of the K. Warholm’s competitive performance and techniques at the XXXII Olympics in Tokyo (2020) and in his runs for the 400m hurdling world records – twice in 2021. We computed inputs (in percentage) of the hurdling cycles (by distance spans) into the results, with the average times of the full-stride segments in between the hurdles on the distance. We also analyzed the competitive performances of the 400m leaders in the Olympic finals and the relevant to the world best athletes’ standings for the entire history of this discipline. The K. Warholm technical performance analysis found a mixed run intensity control scheme of 20+13+15 strides, with the scheme being the same in the first (July 2021) and second world record breaking events. Of special interest was his smooth acceleration cycles both in the first and second halves of the distance.

Keywords: Olympic Games, track and field, 400m hurdles, world records, world best hurdlers, technical skills, pace and intensity control, run parameters, results, hurdling cycles, distance spans, timing characteristics.


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  2. Karsten WARHOLM | Profile | World Athletics | World Athletics [Elektronnyy resurs]. – URL: https://worldathletics.org (data obrashcheniya: 23.08.2021).
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