Sports science and research progress thrusts at Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism


PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Mushakov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Masyagina1
1Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze progress of the sports science and research thrusts at Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism.
Results and conclusion. Our progress analysis of the publishing activity of Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism faculty found the recent growth trend in the academic research activity and educational services. We also found that key research progress thrusts being facilitated by the productive cooperation with the Ministry of Sports, Russian Olympic Committee and the national sports federations. This cooperation has been always beneficial for the Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism scientific resource and educational service, with special improvements in the specialist training for the national physical education, sports and tourism sector.

Keywords: higher educational establishment, sports science, research, publishing activity, scientific citation index.


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