55th anniversary of Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism: from tourism specialist courses to university
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Masyagina
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the progress history and accomplishments of Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism using the relevant theoretical and practical literature, online databases and archives.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed for the purposes of the study the relevant theoretical and practical literature, online databases and archive materials.
Results and conclusion. For the past 55 years, Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism has evolved into one of the national leaders of sports, tourism, physical education and sports training and theoretical and practical research centers. The university trains physical education and sports bachelors and masters and offers secondary vocational and advanced education services for the sector specialists. The faculty keeps productive academic, educational and sports cooperation with many partner national and foreign organizations; with its talented students demonstrating successes in the sports competitions and academic accomplishments keeping up the traditions of their predecessors.
Keywords: academic education, sports, tourism, hospitality, students, athletes, accomplishments.
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