Cardiac respiratory function variations in sporting communities at medical university
PhD D.A. Kamensky1
PhD Y.V. Yakovlev2
PhD P.K. Kuznetsov3
A.M. Chashchin1
1North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee, St. Petersburg
3North-West Institute of Management, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to profile the cardiac respiratory function variations in the sporting student communities.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Mechnikov NWSMU where we sampled the 17-24-year-old students (n=220) and split them up into Unsporting (n=120) and Sporting (n=100) groups, with the latter including the university sports leaders competing for the picked teams.
Results and conclusion. Heart rate in the Sporting group were tested meaningfully lower than in the Unsporting group (p<0.05) in every age subgroup due to the known energy-efficiency of the heart chronotropic function variable with age and actual fitness. Habitual sports trainings are known to slow down the heart rate due to the growing parasympathetic effects on the heart automation function. The respiratory system functionality tests found the athletes developing pulmonary ventilation capacity of up to 150-plus l/min in specific high-intensity training environments. We found the timely cardiac respiratory function tests and analyses being pivotal for the injury-, disease-, and health-risk prevention purposes, otherwise the sports careers may be jeopardized.
Keywords: sports, physical activity, physical practices, cardiac respiratory function, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
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