First-year university students’ mental health tests and analysis


Associate Professor, PhD K.V. Sukhinina1
E.B. Balzhinimaev2
T.I. Bonko2
O.A. Nitsina2
1Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to test and analyze the first-year university students’ mental health variations.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the first-year Irkutsk State University students (n= 817 including 291 males and 526 females) aged 18.19±0.54 years on average, with the male and female groups aged 18.29±0.79 and 18.19± 0.55 years, respectively.
Results and conclusion. Most of the sample was tested with moderate nervous system strength and moderate goal-attainment mindset/ need; with the nervous system strength tested low and high in the male and female groups, respectively; although the high nervous system strength in the female group was associated with a high anxiety. Furthermore, the sample was tested with medium adaptability, neural-psychic controls, communicative ability and moral priorities. The male group was recommended to correct the personality development backlogs by extra physical trainings, with a special priority to strength trainings and physical trainings time/ distances to facilitate progresses in willpower, success motivations and nervous system strength. The female group was recommended to prioritize the stress tolerance building exercises including special stretching physical trainings with breathing practices to counter stressors, ease tension, relax and harmonize the nervous system.

Keywords: first-year students, psychological characteristics, adaptation to education.


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