Focused questionnaire survey application in practical shooting


Dr. Hab., PhD A.A. Peredelsky1
V.V. Ivanov2
1Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
2Regional branch of All-Russian sports public organization "Federation of Practical Shooting of Russia", Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a focused questionnaire survey toolkit application to facilitate progress in practical shooting sport.
Results and conclusion. The article analyzes benefits of the modern focused questionnaire survey toolkit as complementary to traditional theoretical and practical education service at sports universities and for scientific monographs and dissertations; with the practical shooting discipline taken for the case study. We illustrated the study by practical focused questionnaire survey application experience of the Practical Shooting Sport Federation of the Russian Federation. We found the focused questionnaire survey toolkit being beneficial for the practical shooting theory and practice, with special benefits for its combination with the traditional physical education and sports theory and practice. One of the key benefits of such combination is that the modern focused questionnaire survey gives the means to efficiently customize the service for actual progress needs of the trainees, provided the service is supported by a wide range of authentic data sources with the relevant statistical data processing and analyzing tools.

Keywords: practical shooting, focused questionnaire survey, sociological methods.


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