Doping control policy provisions within sports university
Dr. Sc. Econ., Professor A.A. Smirnov1
PhD L.V. Kazarinova1
PhD A.A. Sonina2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education and Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2KIDCORT network of sports and educational spaces for children, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to survey the sports university students’ doping tolerance to offer policy update provisions for the anti-doping curriculum.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the doping tolerance survey in 2020-2021 the 19-23-year-old 1-3-year students with 5-plus-year sports records majoring in the Vocational Sports Training specialty of 49.03.01 Physical Education discipline at the P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education and Sport and Health (n=580).
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey found the existing additional Physical Education and Sports specialist educational system being of little if any influence on the students’ doping knowledge and tolerance in fact. Most of the sample was found overestimating own anti-doping knowledge on the whole and the anti-doping legislation knowledge in particular, including the valid anti-doping institutions and procedures. The questionnaire survey data and analyses give us the grounds to recommend the academic anti-doping curricula being complemented with studies of the modern doping trafficking control codes and procedures; criminal responsibilities for violations of the anti-doping legislation; and more specific studies of the anti-doping rules, policies and procedures.
Keywords: prevention, doping control, illegal trafficking. of prohibited substances, doping, sports.
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