Integrative anthropological concept of academic sports educational system
Dr. Hab., Professor L. A. Lipskaya1
Dr. Hab., Professor O. L. Karpova1
1Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Objective of the study was to develop theoretical and practical provisions for an integrative anthropological concept of academic sports educational system.
Methods and structure of the study. The study and experiment was run at Ural State University of Physical Culture, with the interim Results discussed at the Research School "Academic Physical Education System Integration" sessions.
Results and conclusion. The study was designed to synthesize the relevant philosophical and pedagogical academic knowledgebase to offer a multisided (biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual) personality progress concept with efficient theoretical and practical provisions to facilitate individual intellectual, moral and physical progress on a harmonious basis. We analyzed benefits of the integrative anthropological concept for the academic sports educational system that offers a wide range of interrelated philosophical and didactic approaches and vectors with the explicit and implicit conceptions of human nature (hermeneutical, psychoanalytic, phenomenological, existential, pragmatic, axiological, ethical, aesthetical, operational, socio-cultural etc.) that give the means to select the most efficient personality progress service format.
Keywords: systematization, integration, anthropological concept, physical education, educational system.
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