Physical education service model for primary school groups


PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Pashkova1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor M.D. Kudryavtsev1, 2, 3
Dr. Hab., Professor A.V. Gaskov4
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Deniskin5
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after V.I. Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
3Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
4Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, Ulan-Ude
5Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the frame primary school physical education service model sensitive to the age-specific physical fitness progress stages.
Methods and structure of the study. The frame primary school physical education service model testing experiment was run at Secondary School No. 2 in Krasnoyarsk. Later on the experimental physical education model was used as a basis for the school physical education curriculum piloted by a practical physical education project. Individual physical fitness progress of the sample was tested in the elective Extracurricular Physical Education Service Project.
Results and conclusion. Having processed the progress monitoring data versus the pre-experimental physical education statistics, we presented the data in a diagram showing the group physical fitness variations for the 4-year period. The 4-year frame primary school physical education service model piloting experiment showed 93% of the EG making progress in the pre- versus post-experimental physical fitness tests – versus 65% in the RG trained in traditional format.

Keywords: concept, physical education, primary school students, sports groups, physical fitness, physical education.


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