Controlled-intensity physical training model for 35-45-year-old women: psychoemotional health benefits
PhD S.V. Shabasheva1
PhD N.V. Minnikaeva1
1Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
Objective of the study was to analyze psychoemotional state benefits of the controlled-intensity physical training model for the 35-45-year-old women.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the 35-45-year-old women for a recreational gymnastics group (n=10) subject to 15 controlled-intensity trainings with around 300 psychoemotional state tests using a modified eight-color Lusher test scale.
Results and conclusion. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the recreational gymnastics practices prudently customized to the individual fitness and health needs – as verified by the group progress not only in the psychoemotional state tests, but also in the well-being, mood, physical adaptability, stress/ fatigue tolerance and somatic health.
Keywords: women, mature age, gymnastics practices, intensity, Lusher test, psychoemotional state.
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