Training process optimizing mathematical models for elite dance sport
Dr. Med., Professor N.N. Zakharyeva1
Postgraduate student I.D. Konyaev1
Postgraduate student E.I. Malieva1
PhD I.V. Abdrakhmanova2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
Objective of the study was to develop new mathematical models to analyze the gender-specific spatial- temporal neural control and its contributions to the physical working capacity in elite sports ballroom dancing.
Methods and structure of the study. We used, for the purposes of the study, a questionnaire survey; psycho-physiological tests using the Temporal and Spatial Controls Test software (version 2.1); URA test; general physical working capacity rating standard two-stage PWC170 cycle ergometer test; and standard mathematical statistics data processing method. We sampled for the tests elite (Class I to World Class Masters of Sport) dancers (n=96 including 50 men and 46 women).
Results and conclusion. The new mathematical models were found beneficial for analysis of the gender-specific spatial- temporal neural control and its contributions to the physical working capacity in the elite sports ballroom dancing. These models help develop focused training systems to excel the key psycho-physiological reflexes and responses and, hence, the technical fitness standard for competitive progress.
Keywords: dancers, sports ballroom dancing (SBD), psychophysiological tests, physical working capacity, regression analysis, mathematical models.
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