Sports culture of Uzbekistan as element of human capital development
Dr.Sc.Ec., Professor M.M. Ziyaeva1
Postgraduate A.S. Gonashvili2, 3, 4
1Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent
2Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
3University at the Interparliamentary Assembly of EVRAZEC, St. Petersburg
4Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), St. Petersburg
The build-up of human capital through research and enhancement of the role of sports culture in people’s lives is one of the most relevant topics for the economic development of Uzbekistan today.
Objective of the study was to identify the ways to develop a sports culture as a means of the build-up of the human capital.
Results and conclusions. The data obtained showed that the respondents assessed their health levels and working capacity as high. There was an upward trend in the involvement of higher education workers in sports and leisure practices as they gained a higher academic degree. It should therefore be noted that physical education and sports activities are becoming a legitimate part of the Uzbek reality.
The build-up of human capital thus falls within the social sphere of the country’s policy, and therefore, it is important to develop theoretical concepts before formulating a practical scheme for improving the human capital through the development of sports culture and investment in sports socialization by an individual, contributing to the development of his potential and potential of the country as a whole.
Keywords: sports, human capital, physical education, economic development of Uzbekistan, health and sports culture.
- Gonashvili A.S. Sport kak faktor razvitiya chelovecheskogo kapitala v epohu tsifrovogo uskoreniya obshchestva: sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Sport as factor in development of human capital in the era of digital acceleration of society: sociological analysis]. Tsifrovoe uskorenie obshchestva: sotsiologicheskiy vzglyad [Digital acceleration of society: sociological perspective]. Proc. International scientific-practical seminar. Izhtimoiyfakr publ., 2020. pp. 71-75.