Subjective ideas about importance of youth sports achievements in group and individual sports
PhD R.G. Ardashev
Federal State Public Educational Establishment of Higher Education «Management Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation», Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify the young people’s subjective reasons for importance of sports achievements.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was run at the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020-2021 and involved 850 students (45% - females, 55% - males) aged 18-25 years. The method applied was the author’s questionnaire. All subjects were engaged in football, volleyball, hockey (team sports), and rifle and pistol shooting, running, tennis (individual sports). The data pile was processed using the SPSS package. Various non-parametric criteria were used for statistical analysis.
Results and conclusions. In general, sports achievements are more important for men in team sports, while those in individual sports are a priority for women. This may be due to the fact that socio-cultural factors make it easier for men to engage in group interaction, who are able to work more productively and efficiently under competition. Fewer women are willing to do more for the team than for themselves, so the priority of individual sports achievements is much higher for women rather than that for men.
Keywords: sports achievements, motivation, sports, youth, team sports, individual sports, subjective perceptions.
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