Success motivations and stress coping strategies of junior Paralympians: tests and analysis


PhD D.V. Savchenko
Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to test and analyze success motivations and stress coping strategies in a young Paralympic football team.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study young footballers (n=30) including the 18-20 year-old Paralympic Group (PG, n=15), and healthy peer 9-20 year-old Reference Group (RG, n=15). The groups were tested by the T. Ehlers Personality Success Motivations test; A.M. Schubert Risk Appetite test; R. Lazarus and S. Folkman Coping Strategies Survey; and C.D. Spielberger and Y.L. Khanin Anxiety Scale.
Results and conclusion. The Paralympic Group was subject to a corrective service model piloting experiment that showed significant and moderately high progress of the group on the success motivations and coping strategy test scales. The risk appetites in the PG were tested to stand within the medium range albeit the average scores showed some growth. The coping strategy model was also tested to reduce the incidence of non-adaptive/ inefficient coping strategies in the Paralympic Group including "confrontational", and "escape/ avoidance" ones; and significantly increase the adaptive coping strategy dominated by “positive revision”. On the anxiety scale, the Paralympic

Keywords: success motivation, coping strategy, state anxiety, trait anxiety, Paralympic athletes, corrective service.


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