Financial mechanism for management of professional sports


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Litvishko1
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences E.A. Lubyshev1, 2
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A.A. Krasilnikov2
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S.A. Sybachin1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow city university, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop guidelines for an effective financial mechanism for professional sports management realized in the context of the development of the economic autonomy of these entities.
Methods and structure of the study. The methodological basis of the study will be a structural analysis consisting in dividing the problem into several components, which will make it possible to identify significant factors in the formation of commercial attractiveness of the subjects of professional sports, as well as develop mechanisms to influence them.
Results and conclusions. We expect the recommended interventions to increase the market earnings of sports organizations, which will eventually lead to the emergence of self-sufficiency models and mixed funding channels, which are critical to reducing excessive budgetary burden. In general, these solutions should systemically increase spectator activity in competitions, which is the main factor of efficiency and investment potential of sports events.

Keywords: sports economics, finance, business model, government, incentives, management.


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