Elite running sport: injury risks versus footwork techniques analysis
E.S. Negodenko1, 2
S.N. Kapitanov2
Dr. Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1, 2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk
Objective of the study was to analyze the key running footwork options versus the running efficiency and running related injuries exposure in the sport elite.
Research methods and structure. We tested the running footwork techniques of the cross-country running elite and found the running related injuries incidence rate in the forefoot strike groups being 2.6 times lower than in the rearfoot strike ones. We also found the group diagnosed with a chronic exercise syndrome reporting meaningful pain relief within one year after making transition to the forefoot strike technique.
Results and conclusion. It is commonly believed that the most efficient running technique requires the movements being kept economic due to the ‘vertical stiffness’ model of the lower-limb muscle work to attain a high strike index; with the running kinematics and kinetics also dependent on the running footwear. Thus the too soft shoes with cushioning soles may be detrimental to the lower-limb stiffness, in contrast to the thin-sole ones.
Keywords: running, running footwork, running related injuries, running footwear.
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