Choice reaction formation in volleyball


A.A. Rzhanov1
PhD, Professor A.A. Akhmatgatin1
PhD, Professor S.A. Galtsev1
A.I. Nesmeyanov1
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

bjective of the study was to optimize the volleyball training system by applying the choice reaction estimation method and selective exercise sets to develop their psychomotor qualities.
Methods and structure of the study. The Control Group volleyball players were trained in accordance with the standard volleyball training program. The Experimental Group volleyball players were trained using the author’s choice reaction building methodology which includes a set of specially selected exercises and measuring tools. The experiment involved 72 sports school trainees from Angarsk. The subjects were aged from 10 to 14 years. The experiment was conducted from September 2019 through September 2021.
Results and conclusions. The study found no statistically significant changes in the choice reaction rates in the Control Group, while in the Experimental Group considerable progress was observed indicating the effectiveness of the method developed, which is accessible and informative, and thus, it is to be applied in the training of volleyball players.
The developed methodology, which includes the estimation method and the set of selective choice reaction building exercises for volleyball players, is informative and ready to use in the training process, which makes it beneficial for their sports skills progress.

Keywords: volleyball, choice reaction, estimation method, psychomotor qualities, training exercises.


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