Distance physical education service: students’ attitudes and adaptation survey


PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Radaeva1
PhD V. S. Sosunovsky1
PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Bezhentseva1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the study was to survey the students’ progress in adaptation to the modern distance physical education service formats, their benefits and drawbacks.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the survey the 18-20 year-old (1-3-year) special health group students (n=768, 64.7% female and 35.3% male sample) from the Humanities, Natural Sciences and Physics and Mathematics Departments of the National Research Tomsk State University. Own distance physical education adaptation was rated excellent, good, satisfactory and poor by 34%, 42%, 20% and 4% of the sample, respectively.
Results and conclusion. The distance physical education service was found beneficial under certain conditions as it makes the training process more versatile, optional, mobile, free in time and space and, hence, more effective; albeit such service formats may be still challenging when combined with the traditional collective trainings in classes and gyms.
Generally, the modern distance physical education service formats may be beneficial for many academic physical education goals. The questionnaire survey data and analyses of the students’ adaptation and attitude to the distance physical education give grounds to make recommendations on how the distance physical education service should be designed and managed for success.

Keywords: distance education, COVID-19 pandemic.


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