Sports science integration for progress of gymnastics disciplines
Dr. Hab., Professor R.N. Terekhina1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.N. Medvedeva1
PhD, Professor E.S. Kryuchek1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to analyze the objective elementary gymnastic biomechanics by difficulty classes to facilitate technical progress and expert valuations.
Methods and structure of the study. We used, for the purposes of the study, analysis of the reference literature and the valid regulatory provisions; training process observations and analysis, questionnaire surveys, expert valuations, technical tests, contactless movement sequencing video-analyses, skin electromyography tests, stabilographic (equilibrium) tests, and training model testing experiment. The study was designed to analyze competitive elements in the modern elite (individual and group) rhythmic/ artistic/ trampoline gymnastics and acrobatic rock-n-roll.
Results and conclusion. Based on the study data and analyses, we offer theoretical provisions for a new elements valuation matrix to improve the valid FIG Code of Points; facilitate the specific elements training/ excellence systems and training system design and management; and facilitate the expert valuations of every execution aspect. The analysis and recommendations may be beneficial for progress in every gymnastic discipline.
Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, rules of competitions, Code of Points, skills, routines, difficulty score, expert valuation, progress algorithms, technical execution scores.
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