Bone mineral density in professional female volleyball players and dietary factors
PhD Elżbieta Huk-Wieliczuk1
1Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Warsaw
Faculty of Physical Education and Health in Biala Podlaska, Poland
An excessive volume and intensity of physical effort which takes place during sports training, and many years of playing career are not protected against the development of osteoporosis.
Objective of the study was to assess the current bone mineral density in female professional volleyball players and the intake of selected dietary components, compared with women not practising sport.
Research methods and structure. The study included 40 female students from the University of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska. Bone mineral density was determined in the humerus and in the whole skeleton using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) method. The study was carried out using the HORIZON Ci device (USA). Using this device basic anthropometric indicators were measured: body weight (kg), body height (cm), Body Mass Index in kg/m2 and fat tissue content in %. Nutritional assessment was made on the basis of three diet-related interviews, each of which focused on a period of 24 hours (two working days and one day off). Most portions that were consumed were verified with the use of “Products and meals photo album” prepared by the National Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw. The amounts of proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D in daily food rations were calculated with “Dieta.5.0” software (NFNI). The obtained results were compared with the nutritional norms [7] taking into account age, gender and physical activity. The norm at the level of estimated average requirement was applied for all the analyzed nutrients except vitamin D (according to nutritional recommendations, the norm at the level of adequate intake (AI) was used).
Results and conclusions. The presented study provides evidence for positive effect of physical activity on bone tissue metabolism in junior female professional volleyball players. It is recommended to constantly monitor bone parameters of junior female athletes in the period of reaching their peak bone mass is advisable in terms of prevention of osteoporosis as female athletes are at increased risk of this disease. Such a monitoring should be multifaceted, taking into account the nutrition model and hormonal diagnosis.
Keywords: female volleyball players, bone mineral density, dietary factors.
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