Benefits of smart yachting technologies for Russian yachting reserve training service


Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ryabchikov1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.M. Ashkinazi1
PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Kulikov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Skok1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the modern smart yachting technologies for the national yachting sport reserve technical and tactical skills training service.
Methods and structure of the study. In 2019-2021, our research team from the Sports, Health Technologies and Socio-Economic Issues Research Institute in Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health completed the ‘Research innovations to improve the sailing sport reserve technical and tactical skills training service Improvement’ Project on the relevant state order. The Project included an experiment to pilot and test benefits of the ‘SailData’ smart yachting technologies (Italy) and Fast Skipper smart yachting technologies (Russia, St. Petersburg). We sampled for the study the 14-18 year-old sport reserve yachtsmen (n=48) sailing two-person 420/ 470 dinghy and Swan 50 yachts. The smart yachting technologies were operated in the ‘crew and coach’ setting, with the sensors on the sailing craft designed to read, on a real-time basis, the key data for communication and control. The coaches used tablets with Android-based special software to track and analyze the sailing process.
Conclusion. The studies completed under the Research Innovations to Improve the Sailing sport reserve technical and tactical skills Training Service Improvement’. Special mental training to counter the opponents’ psychological tricks and manipulations.

Keywords: sailing, sport reserve, technical and tactical skills, smart yachting technologies, psychological support service.


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