National sports reserve training system: coaching resource flow analysis
PhD E.A. Savenkova1
M.S. Mochalova1
PhD O.O. Chaikovskaya1
PhD, Associate Professor N.B. Lukmanova2
1Federal Scienсe Center of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK), Moscow
2FSBI «Saint-Petersburg Scientific-Research Institute For Physical Culture», Saint-Petersburg
Objective of the study was to analyze, on a systemic basis, the national sports reserve training system and make a coaching resource flow analysis based on [Statistical Reporting] Form No. 5-FC (FSN 5-FC) that gives averaged year-to-year national sports reserve training coaching resource flow data for the period since the National Sports Classifier effectuation in 2014.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the national sports reserve training statistics for the project sports (under TOR- terms of reference) including cycling, swimming, rowing, kayaking and canoeing (paddling), triathlon, archery and biathlon. We made a comparative analysis of the year-to-year FSN 5-FC data and the relevant averages for 2014-2016, 2017-2019 and separately for 2020.
Results and conclusion. One of the key prerequisites for the coaching resource flow management efficiency, particularly in the national sports reserve training system, is the federal statistical monitoring and reporting as required by the Statistical Reporting Form No. 5-FK. The coaching resource flow reports should provide a sound basis for the national sports reserve training system operations and decision making with timely updates to the relevant national coaching resource flow management programs and concepts in the physical education and sport sector. The presently growing digital transformation trends in the physical education and sports sector should facilitate the coaching resource flow control mechanisms with contributions from the cutting-edge digital platforms to reverse the latest regress in the national sports reserve training system.
Keywords: kind of sport, sports reserve, national sports reserve training system, Federal Statistics Report, coach, National Sports Classifier.
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