Socio-historical contexts for progress of new martial arts in Russia and abroad: transitional retraining service for boxers and kickboxers
A.N. Malinin1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Peredelsky1
1Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze transitional retraining service issues for boxers/ kickboxers making transition to new martial arts in Russia and abroad.
Results and conclusion. The study analyzes the relevant socio-historical contexts on a broad and more specific basis, with a special priority to the factors and circumstances complicating the boxers’/ kickboxers’ transitional retraining for progress in new martial arts; with a special analysis of the kicking and punching techniques and their adaptation issues. The transitional retraining service is heavily underexplored at this juncture in the context of the growing inflow of oriental martial artists and coaches to the Western countries on the whole and the US in particular. The mass transitional retraining service in Russia is somewhat different due to the local socio-historical contexts analyzed in the study. These contexts and logics, however, may be classified into the common and local/ specific ones in the economic, social, political, regulatory and other domains – e.g. related to the criminality control situations in some historical periods.
Keywords: transitional retraining service, kickboxers, socio-historical context.
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