Adaptation and functional capabilities of female footballers with hearing impairments based on their sports qualification and age
PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Nikiforova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.D. Zhurbina2
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Bakulina3
M.V. Khoteeva1
1Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
2Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow
3Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze psychophysical and physical-motor characteristics of hearing-impaired persons to determine the peculiarities of their adaptation to sports training loads.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out at the end of the preparatory period of the annual cycle. Sampled for the study were the female footballers with hearing impairments (n=51), who, depending on their sports qualification and age, were divided into three groups. The mean age of the subjects was 17-25 years, and the length of sports experience was from 1-15 years. The subjects’ working capacity was assessed in F. Konkoni’s test. The following indicators were analyzed: speed of running at the level of anaerobic threshold, heart rate at the level of anaerobic threshold, and maximal heart rate. The study program included pedagogical testing of the physical fitness rates: 30 m run from standing start, 2000 m run, standing high jump with no arm swing, standing long jump, standing triple jump, unsupported pistol squat on a take-off foot.
Results and conclusions. The testing of the female footballers with different ages and sports qualifications revealed the most significant indicators for assessing their urgent and long-term adaptation. The most informative indicators for the evaluation of urgent adaptation of the body are: cardiovascular reactions to testing loads, in particular incrementally increasing ones. The parameters of long-term adaptation varied depending on the skill level and age. The higher the qualification, the higher the level of endurance (Vat) – by 4.3%, motor activity economy (HRat/HRmax x 100%) – by 3.6%, faster recovery processes (heart rate) after normal physical activity – by 41%.
Keywords: adaptation, football, hearing impairments, physical, functional working capacity.
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