Postural Control Strategies In Elite Freestyle Wrestling


PhD, Associate Professor P.I. Krivoshapkin1
N.N. Rozhin1
E.N. Starostin1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to contribute to theoretical basics of the postural control biomechanics in modern freestyle wrestling.
Methods and structure of the study. We made, for the purposes of the study, a theoretical analysis of the postural-control-related freestyle wrestling study reports and fight videos of the global freestyle wrestling elite. It is believed that minor fluctuations are normally controlled by an ankle control strategy i.e. the ankle joint adaptation to the minor off-balancing stresses; whilst the higher-amplitude, strong and frequent fluctuations are controlled by a hip control strategy with the special hip joints fixing and movement skill set [8]. We used a database of the freestyle wrestling elite fight videos to analyze the best postural control strategies. To underline the importance of the body mass center in postural control, we call it herein a dynamic center as different from a static center.
Results and conclusion. Based on the theoretical analysis with respect to the stability theory we grouped the postural control strategies into the (1) ankle control strategy; (2) hip control strategy also referred to as the dynamic center (hip mass center) controlling reverse pendulum; and (3) neutral (trunk-fixing) control strategy also referred to as the static center with a straight pendulum, changeable ground contact and pelvic control.
The study data and analyses showed the postural control skills with special static / dynamic center control being paramount for success, with the force vector generally pointed towards the static center whilst the hands fix the dynamic center. This pattern of the movement sequence was found typical for every top-ranking freestyle wrestler and may be viewed as indicative of the skill level and experience.

Keywords: sport, wrestling, maintaining balance, body mass center.


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