Federal physical education and sports development programs: conceptual basics


Law Dr. S.N. Bratanovsky1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop conceptual basics and notions for the civic interests being respected by the federal physical education and sports development programs.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences using the relevant historical, logical, dialectical cognitive and other research tools with the socio-legal interpretations of the key terms to identify the subject notions in application to the national physical education and sport sector.
Results and conclusion. Having analyzed the reference literature on physical education and sports, we found our hypothetical concept giving the top priority of civic interests in developing the key governmental policy principles for the physical education and sport sector development programs being supported by some study reports.
The study data and analysis showed that when the governmental policy principles and provisions are fixed by supreme legal enactments, they form a set of milestones for progress of the nation on the whole and its constituent entities in particular including the local governments and federal executive agencies; and make it possible for them to design their target development programs at every level within the valid domestic and foreign policy vectors. Persistent efforts to have implemented the governmental policy principles analyzed herein in practice will help transform Russia into a genuinely social state.

Keywords: physical education and sports, citizens, interests, public agencies, responsibilities, special social protection.


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