Brics sports diplomacy
Dr. Hab., Professor N.Y. Melnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Melnikov1
Y.V. Prokip1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: international relations, BRICS countries, sports diplomacy, international competitions.
Introduction. The Interstate Union of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the Republic of South Africa, which was formed at the beginning of the XXI century, undoubtedly attracts not only politicians and economists, but also specialists in the field of physical culture and sports with its powerful economic potential. All these countries have been implementing public and private programs in the field of physical culture and sports for many years, which in turn allows representatives of these countries to successfully compete in many major international sports competitions.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of public and private programs that promote the development of physical culture and sports in the BRICS countries.
Methodology and organization of the study. As part of the research, a systematic analysis of the indicators (number of participants, number of sports, disciplines and exercises) of the participation of representatives of the BRICS countries in the Olympic Games was carried out. The theoretical analysis and synthesis of statistical data and regulatory documents on the development of physical culture and sports in each of the BRICS countries allowed us to identify strategic directions in the development of cooperation between the BRICS countries in this area, as well as ways to implement programs for improving the nation at the international level.
The results of the study and their discussion. Based on the analysis, it can be stated that the BRICS countries have an innovative sports, and some of them have an Olympic heritage. Representatives of the BRICS countries are multiple champions and medalists of the Olympic Games of the beginning of the XXI century. These achievements are a powerful potential for the development of international cooperation in the field of high-performance sports, mass sports, sports recreation, as well as promising for the development of Olympic, non-Olympic and national sports.
Conclusion. The BRICS countries demonstrate mutual interest in the field of scientific research and systematization of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports and are ready to exchange information and implement practical recommendations through state and public organizations in the field of education, the Olympic movement, physical culture and sports.
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