Pros and cons of higher education system in formation of healthy lifestyle needs in students


PhD, Associate Professor I.Sh. Galeev1
A.Z. Minigaleeva2
1Volga region state university of physical culture, sports and tourism, Kazan
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

Key words: healthy lifestyle, university students.

The results of the study reveal contradictions and promising aspects of the process of shaping the needs of a healthy lifestyle of students, due to the specifics of the professional training process at the university.
The problem of creating a healthy lifestyle for modern students, despite the implementation of the priority national project "Health" and the presidential program "Health of the Nation," which caused the intensive development of the relevant infrastructure in educational organizations of higher education, remains unresolved.
The weak position of educational subjects in relation to physical culture, not reflected in the regulatory and legal and educational documentation of universities (GEF, OOP, plans, reports, etc.), as well as the secondary nature of the process of forming competencies in the field of healthy lifestyles, do not allow the effective implementation of the principles of health conservation during professional training of students.
In fact, the process of vocational education itself is quite difficult to recognize as contributing to the formation of healthy lifestyle needs, since a tight school schedule, the predominance of classroom classes, the need for additional self-training and other factors inevitably lead to a decrease in the physical activity of students and the consumption of mainly fast food, the negative importance of which for human health is proven. At the same time, non-compliance of students with the regime of educational activities and recreation, especially during the session period, also cannot meet the requirements of a healthy lifestyle.
However, the higher education system also has some advantages in shaping the needs of healthy lifestyles of students, which, first of all, are the developed resource base and personnel of universities. Therefore, for a student provided with modern comfortable housing, having free and easy access to physical education with competent teachers, etc., a healthy lifestyle can be not only desirable, but also an indispensable attribute of higher education.
Rich opportunities for shaping the needs of a healthy lifestyle, represents the free time of students, extending to many areas of valeology: the regime of the day, nutrition issues, household aspects of life, etc. The study of these possibilities showed that they are disproportionately larger than those presented by the educational process, limited in content, organizational, personal characteristics [1].
Thus, the educational process of a modern university, mainly concentrating on the tasks of professional training, has a weak resource for forming the needs of a healthy lifestyle and requires the realization of the health-saving potential of students' free time, the effective implementation of which becomes possible only when the corresponding pedagogical tasks are officially fixed in the structure of the university's internal documentation.


  1. Berdanova S.A., Sevodin S.V. Physical education of students//Questions of pedagogy. 2020. № 12-2. Pages 40-43.