Academic Worldskills physical development technology competence: testing benefits for elementary school physical education service
PhD E.D. Bakulina1
PhD I.V. Mikhaylova1
O.G. Rysakova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to test benefits of the WorldSkills physical development technology competence training model in application to the quest-game-driven physical fitness / physical development service for second-year elementary schoolchildren.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the physical training model testing experiment the 2-3-year Russian State Social University students majoring in physical education discipline of the Pedagogical Education course. We complemented their trainings with the WorldSkills physical development technology competence mastering standards in close cooperation with our partner schools and university practical training management service, to effectively train them for the elementary school physical education service. Progress of the student sample was tested in practical physical education classes at elementary school. The second-year elementary school sample was subject to the pre- versus post-experimental physical fitness tests. The student sample was split up into Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG) to practice physical education service at elementary school A, B, C, D, D and E classes. The RG trained the school sample as required by the traditional physical education program; and EG training was complemented by the WorldSkills physical development technology competence training model.
The school physical education classes included B module run once a week. This module offers a physical education quest game geared to facilitate physical progress by the prudently selected and managed modern sporting quest game tools customized for the ages and physical fitness standards, with a special priority to interdisciplinary connections with Literary Reading, Mathematics and the World around us.
Conclusion. The elementary school physical education model dominated by sporting quest game format was found beneficial as verified by the significant progress of the EG versus RG in the pre-versus post-experimental strength, speed-strength flexibility, speed and movement coordination tests. The academic WorldSkills physical development technology competence training was found beneficial for the vocational training standards with special benefits for the physical development technologies mastering domain.
Keywords: WorldSkills, professional competence, physical development, physical fitness tests, elementary school physical education program, quest game.
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