Ground skills mastering model for deaf sambo trainees
A.V. Zhalilov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the existing deaf sambo training systems to design and test benefits of the new deaf sambo ground skills training model.
Methods and structure of the study. We have analyzed, for the purposes of the study, the relevant theoretical and practical materials and practical coaching experiences accumulated at Ivanovo Correctional Boarding School No. 1 for deaf adolescents; and designed and tested on this basis a new accessible and effective ground skills training model for deaf sambo.
Results and conclusion. The ground skills training model offered a few standard few repositioning options with the submission attempt stopped and the defending athlete taking a standing position as provided by the rules of competitions. The ground skills trainings of defenses from takedowns and turnovers gave a special priority to counter-grappling skills, releases from holds with repositioning skills to seize the initiative. Of special interest for such trainings were the practical competitive situations when the defenders were successful in countering the grappling attempts to immediately start a counterattack.
The ground wrestling skills training model for deaf sambo trainees was found beneficial conditional on the coach using in the attack/ defense skills mastering service a wide variety of specific training methods and sing language with clear explanations, demonstrations and illustrations. Such deaf ground skills training methods need to be driven by specific communication toolkit including explanations, clarifications in the sign language with expressed articulation, special sport-specific and new conventional signs for success of the coach-trainee communication and, hence, the training/ competitive progress.
Keywords: ground skills, deaf sambo wrestlers, training methods, training process.
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