Motor action accuracy training technology for schoolchildren with minor mental retardation


PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov1
Dr. Hab., Professor M.A. Pravdov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Kornev1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.B. Nikiforov2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Armavir State Pedagogical University, Armavir

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new motor action accuracy training model for the 12-13 year-old minor-mental-retardation-diagnosed children, with a set of exercise balls varied in weights and sizes and postural control tools.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the 12-13 year-old minor-mental-retardation-diagnosed children (n= 42) from a correctional boarding school in Shuya (Ivanovo Oblast) for a 5-month motor action accuracy training model testing experiment. The Experimental Group was training was complemented by the motor action accuracy advancement model using a set of exercise balls varied in weights and sizes with a special postural control toolkit geared to help improve the motor controls by exercises with spatial control requirements and limitations including fixations of limbs and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The ball throwing exercises were grouped basically by the ball sizes and weights into five groups: see Table 1. The ball surfaces and elasticity (leather, plastic, rubber, pimpled etc.) were also different to excel the tactile sensations.
Conclusion. The new motor action accuracy training model for the minor-mental-retardation-diagnosed 12-13 year-old schoolchildren was tested beneficial as verified by the Experimental Group making significant progress versus Reference Group in the motor control and balls throw on target tests. Thus the post-experimental target hitting accuracy tests with the 3/ 5/ 7m far targets yielded 89%/ 76%/ 74% accuracy rates for the Experimental Group, respectively, that were significantly higher than in the Reference Group.

Keywords: motor action accuracy, ball throws on target, exercise balls varied in weights and sizes, muscular control, schoolchildren with minor mental retardation.


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