Psychographic model for beginner chess trainings: benefits analysis
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Bakulin1
O.G. Rysakova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a standard psychographic model for analysis to facilitate the psychological and educational control service in chess training systems.
Methods and structure of the study. The psychographic method testing experiment was run in 2012-2015 at the RSSU Chess House. We sampled the 18-22 year-old student chess players from the beginner training and competitive groups. Psychographs were produced using clustered mnemonic and intellectual functionality tests data and analyses rating the individual psychological traits and operational psycho-emotional states. The EG (n=508) training service was managed based on the W. Stern longitudinal psychographic test data with analyses of variations in the individual mental and physiological test rates in three test clusters visualized by the traditional ray psychographs. The RG (n=510) was trained as required by the traditional training system without psychographic method support.
The mnemonic and intellectual functionality test database with the psychological traits and current actual psycho-emotional states was formed of the C.D. Spielberger anxiety; WAM (wellbeing, activity, mood); physical and mental health (Short Form 36); and D. Russell and M. Ferguson Subjective Loneliness Feel Test data. The test data were clustered with the test data converted on the 10-point scale and represented on ray psychographs.
Results and conclusion. The psychographic method model with its training methods and psychographic test tools makes it possible to fairly track the individual functional progresses in the training and competitive process. The new psychographic method model testing experiment found the model beneficial as it brings new quality to the beginner chess sport trainings with its comprehensive and individualized test toolkit making it possible to profile variations in the individual mental and physiological test rates and effectively cluster and visualize the test data for analyses by segmented ray psychographs.
Keywords: chess sport, psychographic method, psychological and educational control, combined tests, physical training intensity.
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