Evaluation of information transparency of sports federations


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva1
Postgraduate M. Shafik1 (Shafiq Muhammad Atif)
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to find ways to improve the level of information transparency and openness of sports federations.
Methods and structure of the study. A web-content analysis was conducted to rate the openness of sports federations. The research method included the calculation of the social significance coefficients, parameter relevance, criterion relevance, parameter availability, completeness of information, relevance of information, easy web browsing, and file accessibility. The information availability coefficient is an integral indicator of the openness of sports federation.
Results and conclusions. The information availability coefficient for six Russian Sports Federations (swimming, handball, volleyball, football, track and field athletics, and artistic gymnastics) proved to be higher than that for the Sports Federation of Pakistan. Among the ways to improve the openness (transparency) of the sports federations, it is proposed to correct the contents of their websites primarily in terms of financial documentation, staff composition, and news. The study revealed the need for regular monitoring of the contents of the official websites of the sports federations, while regularly updating the available information, which would increase the openness of the sports federations.

Keywords: sports federation, openness, transparency, information availability coefficient.


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