Fitness coach image to optimize professional career in fitness industry


Ph.D. T.V. Aronova1
I.A. Spizina1
1Russian State University ofPhysical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: positive professional image of a fitness trainer, image characteristics of a positive image of a fitness trainer

Introduction. In modern Russia, there is a steady increase in the popularity of a healthy lifestyle, the cult of a slim body, especially among people who have reached adulthood, which leads to a constant growthof requirements for the professionalism of fitness trainers. The psychological characteristics of a fitness trainer's personality can have both a beneficial and a negative effect on a positive image, so studying this issue will help optimize a professional career in the fitness industry [4].

The professional image of a coach in the field of physical culture was studied by such researchers as K. I. Bazanova, G. M. Biryukova, T. N. Bushueva, M. N. Vasilenko, A. A. Guselnikova, V. V. Dorofeev, O. B. Zavyalova, O. A. Ivanenko, S. N. Karaulova, V. Yu. Kostikov, A. A. Luzakov, V. D. Morozova, O. I. Mysin, S. A. Olshanskaya, G. V. Panteleeva, I. O. Poklonsky, T. V. Sakhnova, A. A. Soldatova, K. E. Tokareva, S. A. Tsareva, et al. However, there is no consensus about the set of characteristics of a professional image that a fitness trainer needs for a successful career, especially since different areas of the fitness industry imply the presence of different professional qualities.

The purpose of this research was to study the characteristics of a successful positive professional image of a fitness trainer, presented in the scientific and pedagogical literature. The objectives of the researchwere to identify the characteristics of a positive professional image of a fitness trainer.

Methodology and organization of the research. In this paper, we have attempted to describe the characteristics of a successful professional image of a fitness trainer, presented in the scientific and pedagogical literature.

The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has shown that the professional image of a modern fitness trainer consists of at least several main components. Taking into account the characteristics of the activity, the most important qualities of a fitness trainer that form his image, researchers call organization, sociability practicality, prudence,goal-setting, intuition, observation, creativity; openness to innovation; flexibility; willingness to take reasonable risks; self-confidence; focus on results [1,2]. As the presented analysis of the literature shows, there is no consensus among researchers on what a set of image characteristics should be, but it can be assumed that a positive professional image of a fitness trainer is formed as a result of the action of the entire set of the above factors.


1. It is easier for a fitness trainer with a positive image to lead his clients to achieve the planned result (weight loss, getting the desired skills, gaining muscle mass, improving the body).

2. A positive image of the coach will help attract customers, as consumers generally try to avoid organizations whose employees they don’t like or don’tinspire confidence.


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  3. Vasilenko, M. N. Psychological profile of a fitness trainer as a factor of modeling the system of professional training in higher education / / Actual problems of humanities and natural sciences. 2014. No. 11-1. pp. 291-294.
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