Effect of physical activity on acoustic parameters of recovery
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Petrov1
M.D., D.Sc. (Biology), Professor A.N. Vyotosh1
Graduate student A.S. Kotova1
PhD, Professor Yu.V. Shuliko1
PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor N.K. Golubeva2
1Lesgaft University, St. Petersburg
2I.M. Sechenov First MSMU MOH Russia (Sechenovskiy University)
Key words: somnogram, aerobic exercise.
Long-term and intense physical activity depletes the body's adaptive reserves [1], which affects the recovery processes, one of which is sleep [2]. The influence of various parameters of physical activity on sleep has been insufficiently studied so far. The aim of the research is to study the possibility of using the method of recording the acoustic activity of the human body during sleep to assess the recovery processes. Research methodology and organization. The study involved 36 boys 19-20 years old. The acoustic activity during sleep was studied for 5 days in the absence of physical activity in the daily regimen and then for 5 days while performing aerobic physical activity (swimming, 45 minutes). The parameters of the flow of acoustic accompaniment of physiological activity during daily sleep were recorded using the Sleep Cycle application [3]. The processing of the recording of the individual acoustic activity of the body makes it possible to calculate the duration of night sleep, the duration of each cycle and its average value, the rate of falling asleep, the depth of sleep, the total time of deep and shallow sleep, the quality of sleep, the percentage of deep and superficial sleep. Comparison of indicators was carried out according to the nonparametric Mann – Whitney test.
Results and discussion. Comparison of acoustic data before and after the exercise cycle allows us to state that moderate aerobic exercise significantly reduces the time to fall asleep, increases the duration of sleep and improves its quality. Along with this, the structure of sleep also changes. In this case, the total duration of deep sleep increases, and the duration of superficial sleep decreases. Conclusions. The used hardware, not related to polysomnography, method of recording the parameters of a person's sleep, allows you to obtain a wide range of data and study the effect of physical activity on the human body. The data obtained can probably be used as a control of recovery after physical exertion, as well as in the process of training.
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2. Lorenz C.P. Sleep apps: what role do they play in clinical medicine? / C.P. Lorenz, A.J. Williams // Sleep and respiratory neurobiology. – 2017. – Vol. 23. – N 6. – P. 512 – 516.
3. http://www.sleepcycle.com [цит.12.01.2021]