Stabilometry-based rating of vestibular stability of acrobats
PhD, Associate Professor N.L. Goryacheva1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Antsyperov2
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
2MEI Lyceum No. 7, Volgograd
Keywords: stability, acrobats, balance indicators.
Introduction. The analysis of the current state of sports acrobatics shows that the issue of determining the criteria for the stability of partners and the body system when performing balance exercises is not sufficiently studied.
The aim of the study is to determine the leading indicators of the vestibular stability of partners in sports acrobatics.
Methods and organization of the study. The evaluation of the equilibrium function was carried out on the STPL stabilographic platform of Mera-TSP LLC. The study involved 10 pairs of highly qualified acrobats. The partners performed the Romberg test with their eyes open and closed. The following parameters were analyzed: the length (L, mm), the area of the statokinesiogram (S, mm2) and the speed of movement of the pressure center with open and closed eyes (V, mm/s), the energy consumption index (AV, MJ/s).
The results of the study and their discussion. To assess vestibular stability and determine key indicators, the relationship between the results of the Romberg test and the assessment of the balance function in the upper and lower partners was determined. For all indicators, both the upper and lower partners have an inverse relationship between the sports result and the controlled indicators. The strongest quantitative measure of the relationship between the abilities of the lower partners was revealed by four indicators: the area of the statokinesiogram with closed and open eyes (r=-0.79 and -0.75), the average rate of deviation of the pressure center with open eyes (r=-0.75) and (energy consumption index) the indicator of mechanical work with open eyes (r=-0.73). According to the indicators of the speed of movement of the general center of pressure with open eyes, an average relationship was revealed (r=-0.64).
The upper partners also have a close inverse relationship with most of the controlled indicators performed with open eyes. The high correlation of the equilibrium function with the area of the statokinesiogram with open eyes (r=-0.91), the average with the speed of movement of the central nervous system (r=-0.0.75) and the indicator of mechanical work (r=-0.73) was determined. The level of fluctuations on the stabilograms with closed eyes was characterized by the absence of strong or even medium connections.
The established difference in the relationship between the upper and lower partners in terms of the Romberg test is explained by the fact that the upper athletes rely more on visual control when performing balance exercises, while the lower ones, on the contrary, are able to perform exercises without visual control.
The above was confirmed by the results of correlations between the indicators that characterize the stability in the stand of the upper one on straight arms, the lower one, and the competitive assessment for the balance exercise. The indicator of the greatest stability of the system of bodies is the area of the statokinesiogram (r=-0.77). Indicators such as the length of the statokinesiogram, the speed of the CD movement, and the energy consumption index have an average inverse relationship. The correlation coefficient varies from r=-0.67 to 0.69.
The use of data on the area of the statokinesiogram during balance exercises allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the balance function in athletes.
Conclusions. The results suggest that visual control manifests differently in the upper and lower partners. It was found that the upper partner controls the vertical position of the body with open eyes. The lower partner balances with the practical absence of such a partner. This suggests that the role of partners influences the use of different mechanisms of postural control to control the balance.
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