Students' involvement in recreational physical education practices and their attitudes to special sports cosmetics and perfumery in context of sociological analysis
PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Goryunova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Zolotova1
E.S. Vodorezova1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Objective of the study was to assess the degree of involvement of students in various sports activities, as well as the possibilities of using specialized sports perfumes and cosmetics in sports activities of different groups of young students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a questionnaire of the target group aimed to identify the general attitude of modern student youth towards sports activities, their direct participation and degree of involvement. A special part was devoted to the assessment of the level of the students’ awareness of the range and properties of sports perfumes and cosmetics. One third of the respondents to the written questionnaire survey participated in the group interviews, where they had the opportunity to comment on their responses.
Results and conclusions. It was found that all the respondents believed that physical education and sports activities is an essential element of the general culture of a man of today. It is shown that the so-called "fashion for a healthy lifestyle" is present in the modern student environment. In terms of the degree of involvement in physical education and sports activities, four groups were identified: professional athletes; students training in sports sections and gyms; students leading a healthy way of life and practicing sports on their own; non-sporting students. The majority group was made of the students involved in independent physical training. Most of the respondents (above 80%) are aware of the specialized sports perfumes and cosmetics, but only 20% have first-hand experience of using them.
Keywords: young students, healthy lifestyle, sports training modes, special sports cosmetics and perfumery.
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