Biomechanical characteristics of alternating arm wave move in rhythmic gymnastics


Dr. Hab., Professor E.N. Medvedeva1
Postgraduate student N.P. Ilyina1
M.N. Larionova2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg

Objective of the study was to elaborate the main biomechanical characteristics of the alternating arm wave move as a condition of its qualitative mastering and application in the rhythmic gymnastics competitive routines.
Methods and structure of the study. A suite of research methods was applied during the study: analysis of specialized literature and program documents, pedagogical observations, contactless analysis of a video footage of movements, surface electromyography.
During the biomechanical analysis, the methods of contactless analysis of the video footage of movements and electromyography were synchronized, which allowed a complete analysis of the technique of performance of the element. A mathematical analysis was used to elaborate the biomechanical characteristics of the alternating arm wave move.
Results and conclusions. A retrospective analysis of the rhythmic gymnastics tournament rules and contents of the competitive programs for the finalists of the World Championships and the Olympic Games revealed a contradiction between the pursuit of compositional (technical) perfection of the competitive program and insufficient arsenal of the plastic expression tools that ensure the effective implementation of the composition laws. Given that the most specific elements in rhythmic gymnastics are the "wave" type elements, the study was focused on the elaboration of the biomechanical characteristics of the base wave move.

Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, competitive routine, plastics elements, alternating arm wave, biomechanical characteristics, complexity.


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