Value-motivational attitude of first-year students of Russia and Mongolia to healthy way of life: comparative analysis


A.Y. Kolesnikova1
Dr. Med., Professor V. Yu. Lebedinsky1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Sukhinina1
Master of Education L. Erdenepurev3
Doctoral student Dorzhdamba Tumentugs3
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk National Research University, Irkutsk
3Mongolian State University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the formation of the value-motivational attitude of the Russian and Mongolian first-year students to a healthy way of life.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 165 first-year students of Irkutsk State University (Russia), residents of Irkutsk, and 273 first-year students of National University of Mongolia, residents of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). They were subjected to a questionnaire survey (the questionnaire form offered 29 questions).
Results and conclusions. The survey showed that most of the students agreed with the statement that "physical education makes you fit and healthy": 67% of Irkutsk State University students and 74% of those studying at National University of Mongolia. At Irkutsk State University, 47% of students considered physical education and sports activities to be fashionable and prestigious, at National University of Mongolia - 53%. When asked "Do you find physical education and sport a necessary element of the general culture of an individual?", 64% of Irkutsk State University students answered "yes", 11% - "no", while National University of Mongolia students - 77% and 3%, respectively.
According to the findings, one of the priority cultural values of the Russian and Mongolian students is health. The students of National University of Mongolia demonstrated a more responsible attitude towards a healthy way of life as compared to the students of Irkutsk State University, which is due to the transmission of the national historical traditions and experience in the use of life skills related to the natural and climatic conditions, authentic life and work experience.

Keywords: health, healthy way of life, students, physical education.


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