Kinesiological educational technology in academic physical education
PhD, Associate Professor B.Kh. Landa
Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov, Kazan
Keywords: physical culture, kinesiological educational technology, measurements, calculations, assessments, health indicators, mental activity.
Introduction. According to scientists, educational kinesiology is an effective technology for organizing physical culture, health and sports activities of students. The choice of kinesiological educational technology is associated with the peculiarity of the discipline "Physical Culture", which, unlike other subjects, studies not the world around us, but the human body, its functional capabilities, and the reserves of the body.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the kinesiological educational technology as an effective means of teaching students physical culture.
The results of the study and their discussion. Kinesiological educational technology was used to form independent thinking based on movement when students studied the subject "Physical Culture". For the development of the discipline, the form of organization and content of training sessions was updated due to the displacement of reproductive forms of teaching and the transition to a problem-based, research, personality-oriented approach to the educational process. The formation of a problem-based search method of teaching, rather than passive assimilation of information provided by the teacher, was promoted by: discussion, creative, dialogical methods of conducting classes; understanding, development, discussion and implementation of personality-oriented learning; the use of modern information and diagnostic support.
In the 1st year, traditional practical classes on the development of basic physical qualities were supplemented by training students to work with devices and tools to determine the most important health characteristics. The obtained results of well-known indicators of physical development, physical and functional fitness were recorded in the Exsel system in the map of actual measurements. Each of the lectures in the 2nd year, in addition to the main theoretical part, contained an element of the workshop. For example: calculation of biological age according to the method of the Institute of Gerontology; assessment of the work of the central neuromuscular system using the tapping test and the Romberg test; compliance of the student's physical condition (his physical qualities) with the gender and age status, etc.
Conclusion. Within the framework of kinesiological educational technology, the student learns to transform the acquired knowledge into a tool of practical action; masters the methodology of self-diagnosis; the need to determine the reserve capabilities of the physiological systems of the body that actively motivate the search for individual sets of exercises that provide positive dynamics of achievements; is involved in independent thinking, the development of mental abilities, the ability to analyze and make decisions based on the measurements and calculations of the most important health indicators. According to the students, they began to really appreciate their health and their loved ones, to monitor their physical condition with the help of clear tests, it was interesting to work with formulas and calculations, because many people like to think and break their heads over the correctness of their decisions to make life even better by applying the knowledge gained in practice.
Gratitude. The scientific article was supported by a grant from the Kazan Innovation University named after V. G. Timiryasov, aimed at organizing and conducting a public competition aimed at increasing the contribution of participants – scientists living in the Republic of Tatarstan-to domestic and world science by financing their publication activity.
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