GTO trainings and tests in academic physical education service: student group psychology, motivations and priorities survey


Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Korneeva1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.N. Gut1
Postgraduate student D.A. Khodeev1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the students’ psychological types, motivations for and priorities in academic physical education and sports with GTO trainings and tests.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run in 2019-2020 at the Belgorod State National Research University’s Pedagogical Institute under the BSNU Contest for Grants for Social and Humanitarian Research Project No. 826-OD of 14.08, 2020. We used the following methods: reference literature analysis; semiformal interviews formatted as recommended by S.A. Korneeva and Y.N. Gut; A.K. Osnitsky Self-control Qualities and Skills Survey; and the Cattell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire. We sampled for the study 197 students.
Results and conclusion. Based on the reference literature analysis and popular personality traits tests, we grouped the sample into typological groups with different multilevel self-control skills in the physical education and sports domain. We found that the adaptive, active and personality levels require different physical education and sports motivation tools in the GTO trainings and tests. Thus the sports-driven group with the high social self-assertion agenda was tested higher on the goal-setting and pursue, situation analyzing and modeling and progress rating and adjustment scales. The players and formalists groups were tested more impulsive, anxious, closed, whilst the sports driven group was found more dynamic, adequate and effective in communication domain. The survey data and analyses confirmed our prior assumption that that students may be motivated for habitual physical education and sports by the GTO training and test tools by focused motivational efforts with a high emphasis on their physical activation and self-controlling experiences both in the intellectual and emotional activity aspects and, what may be most beneficial for these initiatives, the self-controls tests and improvement service.

Keywords: motivated individual activity, student types, key motivation, GTO toolkit, physical education and sports, intellectual and emotional activity.


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