Sociological analysis of opinions of adult population on their participation in gto complex tests
Yu.B. Almazova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Korolkov2
PhD, Associate Professor N.N. Uvarova1, 3
R.Y. Bulychev1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
3Moscow University for Industry and Finance “Synergy”, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify the main determinants of inclusion of the adult population in the training process for the Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex (RPCS) "Ready for Labour and Defense" GTO Complex tests.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 205 experts aged 25-40 years - part-time students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow University for Industry and Finance "Synergy" and Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The respondents were to assess the impact of various factors (on a 5-point scale) that determined their attitude to training for and reaching the GTO Complex qualifying standards. For this purpose, they answered 12 questions characterizing their attitude to the process under study.
Results and conclusions. The results obtained indicated the heterogeneity in the respondents' attitudes towards physical education in general and RPCS GTO Complex in particular. More than half of the subjects (64%) had minimal well-organized training experience and assessed RPCS GTO Complex based on their own experience, identifying it with the quality of the physical education lessons in their schools. At best, 26% of the subjects attended various sports sections on an extra-budgetary basis for 1-2 years without participating in the competitions and, as a consequence, with little result. 5% of the respondents were completely exempted from sports. At the same time, 5.5% of the respondents had sports titles and categories, 9% had been engaged in regular sports activities for more than 3 years, participated in the competitions, demonstrated positive results (winning places, weight loss, etc.). The level of the subjects’ physical education and sports experience can be rated by the degree of their awareness of their own progress in these activities. In the majority of cases, the role of the "progress" was found to be average or below average. This indicated that the quality of the services provided during the growth period (15-20 years ago) fell short of the expectations of the younger generation at that time. In those days, there were no GTO Complex competitions as GTO Complex was abolished in the 1990s, and there was no viable alternative.
Keywords: adult population, attitudes to physical culture and sports, GTO Complex, participation in the Russian Physical Culture and Sport Complex (RPCS) "Ready for Labour and Defense" GTO Complex tests.
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