Coach’s professionalism in athlete’s personality development


Dr.Sc.Hist. E.A. Kalinina1
PhD L.M. Kieleväinen1
1Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

Objective of the study was to determine the significance of the combination of pedagogical excellence, scientific approach and personal qualities of a coach for an athlete’s personality development and advance of the sport in the region (on the example of sambo).
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, we conducted a bibliographic analysis, questionnaire survey, and interviews with the sambo coaches working in children’s sports schools of the Republic of Karelia, active athletes, as well as those who had terminated their professional sports careers but continued working in the physical education and sports sector.
Results of the study and conclusions. The authors' conclusions were based on the theoretical analysis and generalization of the archival and documentary sources, as well as the questionnaire survey and interviews with the sambo coaches and their trainees. The formula of success of the Karelian sambo wrestlers was derived. The ways the coach and his trainees could work together to achieve high sports results were defined. The authors state that the role of the coach (educator) in shaping the personality of a sports school trainee will always depend on his professional skills and personal qualities. The best coach will be someone who can shape and motivate his trainees to achieve the set goal, who can urge for action and its execution through the targeted pedagogical impact.

Keywords: sports, sambo, coach, educator, skills building.


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