Experimental evaluation of correctional development of endurance skills in graduates of preschool educational institutions
Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Semenov1
N.V. Boldyreva1
T.N. Chakhchakhova2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Tyumen Cardiology Research Center, Tyumen
The relevance of the study is stipulated by the extremely low level of development of endurance skills in preschoolers.
Objective of the study was to substantiate, develop and test by experiment the content and methodology of correctional development of such physical quality as endurance in preschoolers of the preparatory groups.
Methods and structure of the study. To substantiate and develop the content and methodology of correctional development of endurance skills, we analyzed the works devoted to the effects of aerobic exercises on the child’s body and studied the existing approaches to endurance development in the preschool age. The experiment was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed methodology. The main research method applied was a 1,000 m run test. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the subjects’ cardiographic data were recorded to assess the effects of the training sessions on the cardiovascular system of children. The educational experiment was carried out in vivo throughout the academic year during the physical education classes conducted twice a week. Three groups were formed: one Control Group (n=20) and two Experimental Groups (n=19 and n=21, respectively).
Results and conclusions. The study resulted primarily in the development of the methodology of correctional development of endurance skills in children of the preparatory group. Here, the main means to develop endurance is running, which is a natural, well-mastered motor action at the age of 6. The testing of the developed methodology showed a statistically significant (p<0.001) improvement in the endurance rates of the subjects (both boys and girls) in the 1,000 m run test. All Experimental Group children were able to hit the qualifying standards of Stage I GTO Complex.
The cardiographic control tests run at the beginning and at the end of the experiment did not reveal negative changes in the functionality of the subjects' cardiovascular system.
Keywords: children, preschool age, correctional development, endurance.
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